roast squash soup - im with dylan

as soon as the weather starts to turn from summer to fall i start craving soup. i guess i’m basic like that. but if loving soup is wrong, i don’t want to be right.

and i love soup. i have an entire pinterest board dedicated to soup, though i’ve probably only tried three or four recipes. and i prefer cream-based soups, but because too much of a good thing yada yada i try to make substitutions for all that (delicious) fat where and when i can.

{take me to the recipe}

i’ve been feeling super run down lately with all the goings on, not to mention last week it was in the mid-20s (C) and it was 15 C when i got up this morning (achoo!). my poor little immune system ain’t got time for that and i think it may have checked out for an extended vacation. i hate feeling like this, it’s so hard to pinpoint one thing that’s making me feel worse – the mild but constant headache and general “fuzzy” feeling in the brain, swollen glands, swollen throat, just plain tired… because life and chores and work and children DO NOT STOP when you feel like shite and sometimes i just wish someone would say, “hey, you look tired, why don’t i do that for you?” and then actually do the thing they’re offering to take off my hands. so i can have a nap.

we are not napping - im with dylan
this is our fall-style bed and us not actually sleeping in it

although i did decide that since i’m feeling so poopy lately i’ll be trying to “sleep when the baby sleeps” again. these batteries really need to be recharged and maybe a mid-day nap will help. of course, mid day turns into mid-afternoon because someone who shall remain nameless *cough*dylan*cough* has pushed her nap time to the most ridiculous hour, and then when i realize how late it is (like, is it really almost time to start dinner and you still haven’t napped?) i get anxious and frustrated and everything pisses me off – not a good situation for anyone.

i realize how much of an unexpected segue that was, so let’s get back on track. it’s cold outside and i really wanted soup so i threw together one of my all-time faves, butternut squash.

i have a recipe somewhere that i usually use, and it calls for coconut milk as a cream sub. it’s amazing. but i wasn’t feeling the coconut milk or curry today, just something simple and hearty and silky. i didn’t follow a recipe at all, which is usually to my detriment but this roast squash soup turned out pretty tidy. a little sweetness from the green apple, a kick from the celery, even dylan kind of enjoyed it (if you count putting the tip of your tongue on the spoon and not screwing up her face, which i totally chalk up to a win).

my kitchen disaster - im with dyna
my kitchen always looks like a bomb went off.

roast butternut squash soup


1/2 butternut squash
1 green apple
1/2 tbsp butter
1/2 onion, chopped
2 celery ribs, chopped
1 1/2 cups vegetable broth
salt and pepper to taste

preheat your oven to 350*. if you haven’t already, cut squash in half and scoop out seeds. brush with oil (olive, coconut, avocado) and lay cut-side down on a baking sheet lined with foil. core and cut apple in half, brush halves with oil and lay face down on the baking sheet. bake for 20 – 25 minutes, until squash skin is easily pierced with a fork.

add butter to a saucepan over medium heat and saute onions and celery until translucent, about 5 minutes (that’s approximate because i wasn’t paying attention). add vegetable stock. bring stock to a boil and then turn the heat down to a simmer for 15 – 20 minutes, or until onions and celery are soft.

carefully scoop the squash and apple out of the skin and transfer to a food processer (or to the saucepan if you’re using an immersion blender). add vegetable stock and mix on low, then high until soup reaches the desired consistency. salt and pepper to taste. serve with crusty multi-grain bread and butter on the side.

if doesn’t warm you up on a windy day, nothing will!