welcome to the world
i didn’t enjoy my pregnancy, it wasn’t the life-affirming, light-filled experience the first one was, and that’s probably why i felt so jilted and jaded when, on may 21st at 2 am, a full 10 days before he was due, my pregnancy came to an end and the fourth member of our clan came screaming (me, […]
i’m not jealous
i didn’t really like being pregnant, although my pregnancy was pretty smooth, and relatively problem free. maybe i felt a little more comfortable in my skin and didn’t mind the constant doting (who doesn’t?) but all in all, i couldn’t wait for it to be over. and when it finally was… i thought, thank god! but […]
who needs sleep?
it’s a fair question. and a fair answer would be, “everyone but me…” even though this little one sleeps her way through the night and has started taking decent naps during the day (and sometimes in her bassinet without mommy as a pillow!) i have a hard time putting myself down for much needed snoozing. you forget […]
ready, set, go
things were going swimmingly and then all of a sudden… just over three weeks ago we walked out of the hospital into the cold with our brand new bundle of “joy”. i employ the use of quotes because, as any new mother (and very few articles) will attest, i’ve really been put to the test […]