boxes & books – an xmas wish list

making our lists, checking them twice… it is literally never too early to start thinking about christmas. even the day after christmas. because you know why? sales. but really, ’tis the time of the year when gift guides are popping up left right and center with lots of suggestions on what you should purchase for […]

a reading challenge you can handle

there was a time i thought that, when dylan got older, meaning… now… i would be able to start reading again. reading more than facebook statuses and blog posts about sleeplessness and getting her to eat good. but my “must read” list keeps getting longer and my ability to pay attention to or even focus […]

bookroo for you and you

growing up, i loved books. i devoured them. in fact, i credit my love of reading with my passion for writing. and i really hope i can foster this same devotion to the written word in dylan. she’s only 1 and a half but already she’s showing an interest in books. maybe we’ve been lazy, […]

“the giver”


the giver warning: this review may contain spoilers here’s a movie i’d never heard of until my cousin invited me to a stars and strollers show this afternoon. there’s something to be said for going into a movie with no expectations, at least they won’t be dashed if the flick turns out to be a […]