{lauren’s latest} skinny mini banana muffins
i don’t know why but i feel like if i make all my food into mini muffin form dylan’s going to eat it. we’ve had banana’s hanging around for days and we loved the banana chocolate chip muffins my sister-in-law made while we were in calgary last month, so … i made followed this great recipe […]
banana oatmeal snacks
confession. i hate bananas. or should i say banana-flavoured things. who decided that banana would make a good candy? ugh. so gross. despite their horrid flavour, however, i know how great bananas are for you. and dylan seems to like them for some reason. so i kind of jumped on this recipe for a healthy […]
breakfast smoothies
is it still a smoothie if I have to spoon feed her? technically… smoothies are so stupid easy to make (especially if you have an awesome munchkin fresh food maker like we do) you’ll seriously be asking yourself why the hell didn’t you figure this out sooner? just think, you can trick your babies into […]
’bout that pancake life
i haven’t been living up to my end of the bargain, but in my defence, the little one is on two legs now running around and there is even less time now to sit down and get a thought in edge wise. not to mention getting ready for her birthday (TWO DAYS!) and starting a […]