the vonderful vegetti


most “as seen on tv” products are ridiculous. garbage. don’t waste your money. the shake weight? how is this a thing? i fully believe the board that agreed to funding, producing, and marketing this product was made up of pre-pubescent / college aged men children who snickered and giggled their way through the presentation, and […]

cheesy stove-top broccoli pasta


for about a year, we managed to avoid any major sickness with dylan. that was until a few weeks ago, maybe a month? when dylan came down with a nasty gastro-intestinal virus that had her out of commission for about a week (brought me to my knees, too, i’m afraid) and then after our trip, […]

’bout that pancake life

i haven’t been living up to my end of the bargain, but in my defence, the little one is on two legs now running around and there is even less time now to sit down and get a thought in edge wise. not to mention getting ready for her birthday (TWO DAYS!) and starting a […]

panko pork chops = tuesday night

i should be trying to sleep right now, while the little and the boy are already passed out. instead, i’m starting a harry potter marathon and sneaking chocolate. we all have our vices. i’m also still thinking about tonight’s dinner, panko-crusted pork chop sandwiches with bacon-fried onions and peppers. little to no planning went into […]

creamy leek soup


currently i’m on vacation with the babe and familia in paradise, which is my excuse for not posting anything lately. it’s hot here! so hot hur… but before we left it was so cold in the city and all i wanted was soup soup soup. i love soup, who doesn’t? it’s like a comfy sweater. and there’s […]