an easter in bermuda

when you have to pay for your toddler’s plane seat (which, honestly, makes sense but is also frustrating, seeing as most toddlers spend more time in a lap or on the floor then they do in an actual seat…) we take advantage of all the sales we can.


dry -

for deeply personal reasons, i have decided to make a pact with myself to be dry for one month. i’m giving up drinking. there’s a good chance that i’ll extend that deadline, but only time will tell. i’m putting it in writing for the world to see because i want this to be and feel real, […]

road trippin’ it – montreal

we just got back from a five day road trip to montreal and boy do i not have any idea what day it is… travelling with dylan is always a bit of a traumatic experience. mostly because even after all this time she still freaks out about being put in her car seat. like, nuclear […]

unfocused focus


or, “how to get stuff done when you have a toddler” it’s all fine and well for people with (and without) kids to make suggestions to newbies on how to get stuff done. how to clean, how to work, how to shower. but truth be told, all circumstances and situations are unique. the boy used to […]

#flashbackfriday – mother’s day


i never got around to loading these right after mother’s day. why do we take so many photos if we aren’t planning to share them? it’s even easier than it used to be to get photos from camera – friends, and still… i digress. mother’s day happened what feels like ages ago, but we shared […]