a reading challenge you can handle

there was a time i thought that, when dylan got older, meaning… now… i would be able to start reading again. reading more than facebook statuses and blog posts about sleeplessness and getting her to eat good. but my “must read” list keeps getting longer and my ability to pay attention to or even focus […]

mail call: a little bundle *giveaway prize*

a little bundle - i'm with dylan

is there anything more exciting than getting mail? not bills and flyers, that’s depressing. but real, live, actual mail! letters and postcards and gifts are obviously at the top of the list of “things we want to receive” but that thing you bought online comes in a close second. tied with second? things you’ve won […]

anchors aweigh

anchors aweigh | I'm with dylan

  hello, afternoon… what’s that you say? we should be napping? why, yes, in fact. we should be! i happen to be exhausted and there’s no coffee to speak of in the house (sad face) and little bo bylan (aside: i’m gonna start calling her bo…) is not having nap time *sigh* so it means […]