i’m sorry if i haven’t asked your name

hello my name is mom

you might think i’m a bitch because i’m not trying to make small talk when we pick our kids up from daycare at the same time, or while we’re playing with them at the park, or even while we’re both standing on the sidelines while we’re watching them do gymnastics. you might think i’m a […]

i’m a misfit mom

i was looking for hermey’s version, “you can’t fire me, I QUIT. why… don’t i fit in.” but i couldn’t find it. or i didn’t look hard enough. either or, this song kind of embodies where i’m at right now, when it comes to figuring out where i fit in the scheme of “mom”.

to the new mom who’s worried, you got this

i’d like to start this out by saying i never thought i’d write an open letter. i think they’re over-done, especially on the mom blogs and websites. every other post is a “to the mom…”, “to the lady…”, “an open letter to…”

maybe i should blame celebrities for all their passive-aggressive open letters to each other. why can’t they keep those missives private, especially when the person writing the letter is not involved in the situation in the slightest? gees. social media brings out the absolute worst in people, which i usually stay away from but sometimes i can’t help myself.

what a mom really looks like

working mom be like - im with dylan

something struck me today, as i was helping dylan walk backwards up the stairs in our dark hallway (she turned off the lights) with two heavy bags of laundry thrown over one shoulder and my hands full of hers, a doggie, and elmo – there is no standard picture of motherhood. holy, gee whiz and […]

technically, motherhood is self employment


i just realized something. i’ve been fighting a losing battle. let’s rewind to when i found out i was pregnant and was considering the implications. despite the admonitions, i never really believed my life was going to change that drastically. yes, i would now be almost solely responsible for the health and safety of a little […]