why won’t my kid eat?


i have no patience. i thought having a kid would be the impetus i needed to learn, or develop (?) patience. i was wrong, because now i have the negative version of whatever percentage of patience i had before i had one, and never is this more apparent then when i’m trying to get her […]

keeping it all together


even under the best circumstances, maintaining a work/life balance is complicated. i’d like to say that slipping back into work-mode has been smooth, that dylan cooperates every day, and that i’ve never been more productive. i’d like to say that. but the reality is, it’s crazy hard to focus. when your job takes you out […]

good intentions

good intentions | i'm with dylan

they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. i think, so is the road to success and personal satisfaction. at least my road is. even before i found myself a victim of mom-brain (seriously, what am i doing and why did i come into this room?) i have always struggled with “follow […]

ready, set, go

pacified | i'm with dylan

things were going swimmingly and then all of a sudden… just over three weeks ago we walked out of the hospital into the cold with our brand new bundle of “joy”. i employ the use of quotes because, as any new mother (and very few articles) will attest, i’ve really been put to the test […]

time to panic

time to panic | im with dylan

i just had a realization. it was like a flash of light. i’m about to have a baby. this whole time i’ve been talking about how i’m *so* ready for this pregnancy to be over and complaining about how long these last nine months have been (what seem like the longest of my life) … […]