banana oatmeal snacks


confession. i hate bananas. or should i say banana-flavoured things. who decided that banana would make a good candy? ugh. so gross. despite their horrid flavour, however, i know how great bananas are for you. and dylan seems to like them for some reason. so i kind of jumped on this recipe for a healthy […]

cheesy stove-top broccoli pasta


for about a year, we managed to avoid any major sickness with dylan. that was until a few weeks ago, maybe a month? when dylan came down with a nasty gastro-intestinal virus that had her out of commission for about a week (brought me to my knees, too, i’m afraid) and then after our trip, […]

broccoli mac and cheese

i love mac and cheese, a love I hope I can pass on to dylan and this recipe… can I just say… NOM!! ingredients 1 cup pasta of your choice 1 cup broccoli florets, chopped small 1 1/2 tbsp butter 1 tbsp flour 1/2 – 1 cup baby’s favourite grated cheese salt & pepper to […]

quinoa teething crackers


by far, i’m a terrible eater. this isn’t to say i don’t love food, because i’m a huge “fan of my groceries” (lol i love that term). but i do not eat healthy, by any stretch. it’s not that i’m opposed to it, i’ve definitely tried on countless occasions. i just am not good at it. […]