this is how we sleep

disclaimer: the official stance of the government of canada is that parents should not bed-share with their infants. co-sleeping is encouraged, with a crib or bassinet in the same room, but sharing your bed with your baby is frowned upon. additionally, they believe in #backtosleep, which follows that infants should always be placed on their back […]

how do you cope with stress?

how do you deal with stress? how do you cope? for me, i disappear. i used to eat. like most young women, for awhile i turned to wine. that was a sad and scary time, but i somehow managed to turn that around. i think i put other people before myself – something you shouldn’t […]

sleep is for suckers pt 1

who needs sleep - i'm with dylan

i had a post in the pipeline about our sleep solution. ya’ll know i’ve been struggling with sleep – like all toddlers, dylan hates sleeping because there’s just so much trouble she can get into when she’s awake, let’s do that instead. since we brought her home we’ve been bed sharing, and while that may […]

touched out and retreating

“touched out”. i never knew this could be a thing until dylan came along and i started feeling claustrophobic, and then guilty. when i started feeling like oh my god just get off me already, and ashamed for wanting my child to be anywhere else, with anyone else. when i get time to myself – […]

what people don’t tell you about sleep


if there’s one thing that parents love to do, it’s to tell new parents about how awesome it is to be a parent. this advice is most often unsolicited from strangers you’ve never seen before nor will see again, who feel (nearly physically) compelled to share their experience or impart some wisdom with the newbies. […]