flourless black bean brownies
you guys… sometimes all i want to eat is chocolate. chocolate and bacon cheese burgers. clearly neither of those things can be considered “good for me” and i’m totally fine with that. although i’m also not totally fine with putting back on the weight i lost since giving birth. {take me to the recipe} here’s […]
“hulk”-ies (avocado chocolate chip cookies)
you know when you have half an avocado in the fridge and you just don’t feel like eating it but then you never feel like eating it and it goes bad, but that’s a terrible waste because 1) wasting food is a waste and 2) avocados are so damn expensive, not eating them right away […]
{avery’s kitchen} coconut oil cookies
the second i came across a recipe for cookies that called for coconut oil i knew i had to try / have it. what an interesting use of that miracle oil, don’t you think? averie cooks has a couple of cookie recipes that call for coconut oil (and one that subs in cream cheese…) […]