pancakes and detoxes

ombre pancakes -

confession time: for most of my life i have been a serial dieter. yes, i have been beholden to magazine culture, spending countless minutes and hours staring at my “figure” and wishing this were smaller and that were thinner. just like most women in the western world. what a horrible standard we hold ourselves to. […]

flourless black bean brownies


you guys… sometimes all i want to eat is chocolate. chocolate and bacon cheese burgers. clearly neither of those things can be considered “good for me” and i’m totally fine with that. although i’m also not totally fine with putting back on the weight i lost since giving birth. {take me to the recipe} here’s […]

what time?

wholesome goat spread brekkie | i'm with dylan

it’s not something i talk about a lot because i feel like people will think i’m rubbing it in their faces but other than moving my exercise dvds from the living room to the bedroom i have literally not done a single thing to lose weight since dylan was born and i was back to (actually, […]